So I've decided to go on a journey. I've found myself lately at odds with TV watching, and I probably watch way more YouTube than is "healthy". I've decided to go on a Movie journey. I'm going to watch and review the "top" movies of my lifetime.
This will go through several stages. The first reckoning of "top" will be dollar figure. I'll walk backwards through the years and review the top domestic grossing films of each year, starting at 2015 and working back. Then following on with the highest grossing movie of each week, thankfully that doesn't turn out to be 52*40 but is still up there.
The second stage will be top ranked movies. A divisive measurement I'm sure. I'll try and aggregate "topness" from multiple sights like IMDB and FlickChart. This of course will only be by year, so I'll probably do the top 5 or 10 from each year.
For my sanity there should be plenty of overlap on these, so I might be done sometime in the next few years :) . Also likely things might not work out completely linearly. Some of it will be availability, some will be a desire to mix movies that are new to me with things I've seen before.
So why am I doing this. As I stated above, I've gotten a bit stale on what I watch. Second is a love for movies. Third is the hope that this will increase my writing and expression skills, two things I'm not so good at. I hope to get at least one review out a week, but know I'd never be done if I only kept that schedule, but at least I'll be making progress.
So keep tuned to this Collection if this interests you. Turn it off if ramblings about movies will bother you. Hope both of us can enjoy this for what it is.
(Originally Posted to G+)